Sunday, October 23, 2011

Goodbye Dora Domestica

Goodbye Dora Dometica, or should I say, see you later Dora. Tomorrow will start a new chapter of life at the shack in the east, it is with some regret that I will be hanging up my spatula and apron and turning once again to the deary side of haute cuisine. Unfortunately all the apple cobbler, apple strudel, apple pie, apple crumble, and everything else pastry has finally caught up with me. Right now I am more like Porky Domestica, Dora's rounder and flabbier cousin. Granted I've never been one who could, or would turn down pastry, most especially if it was of the chocolate persuasion. Typically I would just say, "I'll just run an extra five or ten k this week and that will take care of it." But now I would have to run an extra five or six hundred k, that's if I were still running. So a new era at the ranch is dawning. My husband, lucky man that he is, will reap the benefits of the new regiment. Can you hear that? It is the sound of a grown man weeping. He was just getting complacent about the advent of Dora into his life.

My goal is to say goodbye to about twenty pounds of unwanted flab, and to say hello to some well hidden muscles, perhaps adding a few more to the family. Good thing I am a goal oriented, slightly OCD type individual otherwise this process would be really, really, really hard. I happen to be really fond of many bad kinds of carbs and I am saying fare thee well to all of them (for five whole days at least). I am busy doing up spread sheets, researching recipes, and planning out meals. So wish me luck and send me lots of supporting thoughts, but please, do not send me any cake, because I will have it and eat it too.


  1. Tell him to make his own damn pastry. And what do you mean SLIGHTLY o.c.d??

  2. No, poor guy has been working his ass off for months, and months, and months now. He absolutely doesn't need to bake on top of the million other things he is doing. I do feel his pain.
