Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Considering the Merits of Working

Over the past few months I've been applying for jobs here and there, mostly the kind where you only work a few hours a week, but occasionally ones which have full time hours.  What I learned was that it is not a great idea to send in a resume which is geared for a high management position when you are applying for jobs which require little or no education or experience.  No one will even consider looking at you.  So I spent a little time researching how to "dumb down" the resume.  And when I say dumb I don't me stupid I mean more suited for the position I am applying for.  For example, if the position is to work as a floor sweeper I would not highlight the fact that I used to have a staff of twelve with a 500 million dollar budget, instead I would write that when I worked in the warehouse one of my jobs was to ensure that I swept the floors in order to keep it clean and tidy.  The process has worked and consequently I was just offered a job at Walmart which I start tomorrow. 

The odd thing about it is that when I tell people about it I am greeted by incredulous gasps.  "How can someone with your education and experience go and work at Walmart?"  It's as if somehow my taking a menial job should be beneath me.  If I truly thought that way I would be a pretty serious hypocrite because I always used to tell my staff that just because someone happens to have a better paying position doesn't make them a better person, better boss, or more worthy of respect.  And I truly believe that.  Jobs are jobs are jobs.  Over the years I have worked with a lot of different people, some of them were awesome, some of them should never have been allowed in the gene pool let alone in the work force. 

I've worked with people who hadn't finished grade eight to those who have had their PhDs, and many somewhere in between, and sometimes the people who only had a few years of schooling were smarter, better workers, and a lot more pleasant to work with then those with so called higher educations.  Many times I used to say that if a person ever wanted to know anything about the company all they had to do was ask the janitors what was going on.  In my experience people at the lower levels of the company typically do a lot more work and have a better understanding of how the company works than those at the top.  I used to find it really strange that even those who had worked their way up through the ranks when they finally reach the top of an organization ended up losing touch with what was going on.  Whether it's because they end up surrounded by a bunch of toadies who feed them misleading information, or if they really think they know everything now, is beyond me. 

Unbelievable!  As I was writing this post I received another phone call and was interviewed for another position, this one full time, but one that is up my alley in a big way.  So now my dilemma, if I am offered the job, is whether or not I will take it.  On the downside it is full time, but on the positive side it is something which appeals to the OCD in me.  Don't think for one minute I am not grateful for the fact that I can consider being offered a full time job as being on the downside.  The fact of the matter is that the only reason I am in the position I am today is because I have always worked no matter what the job entailed.  I truly believe that you have to make your fate in this world, you cannot sit on your ass waiting for the perfect job to land in your lap, it just doesn't work that way.  And believe me when I say that it is a hell of a lot easier to find a job when you are already working even if you are working a crap job.

(PS - And if the hubby actually ever reads this, Happy Birthday to You!)


  1. I like your attitude of equality. Too bad most of the world doesn't think as you do. If you take the HellMart (TM) post, hopefully folks will appreciate you and not assume you're their slave. HellMart not being known for the best personnel management... The irony? Grond told me about this yesterday morning and by the evening I too had been offered a job, not quite out of the blue. It will be starting likely just at a few hours a week, and it looks like I'll be able to work completely from home. And I admit to not being sure of the whole thing. Not sure if it's just not really wanting a job, or being nervous about not having been in the workforce, and thus out of the loop, habit etc., for eight years...

  2. I hear that it is a lot more difficult to work from home, you have to be a lot more disciplined with yourself which is why I am looking forward to having my Wookie Cave finished. Even though it will literally be ten steps away from the house, it will be away, which I believe will do wonders for my writing. (Or that is the delusion I am suffering under.)

    They can try as much as they want to try to slave me around or any other crappy management style they want to. I happen to be in a position where I really have no serious need of this job and therefore don't think any kind of intimidation tactic will work on me. Not that any kind of intimidation factor has actually ever worked on me no matter the position I have been in.

    The irony is that I actually did a paper on Walmart purchasing when I was working on my degree. So far I have been really surprised at pretty much everything I have learned from being behind the scenes. Mind you it was only my first day so I cannot jump to any real conclusions, but my first impression is that everyone seems to be really nice.

  3. Well you are in the East, which seems to retain its politeness in the face of Mother Nature and in spite of Federal ignorance. And yes, you really are in the best of all situations iwhen you can tell them to get stuffed at your leisure. Working from home is hard. Hence how I have very little pottery to show for it thus far. One of our friends, the one closest to actually having her first novel published, spends several hours most days at a local coffee establishment downtown, in order to focus on revising and editing. I remember listening to someone being interviewed on CBC and he was facetiously complaining about his commute to work taking so much longer than when he'd lived in T.O. (I think he' just moved to the east coast). It took forever to make coffee, get the paper, take the dog down to the shore for a run, etc. etc. You have the power to fixate in aproductive way. I just fixate. ;P
